Opening Hours

Weekdays : Check In 09.00 am Check Out  04.00 pm

Weekend   : Check In 09.00 am Check Out 05.00 pm

  • Children under 7 years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • Running or jumping into the pool is not permitted.
  • Do not attempt to swim whilst under the influence of alcohol, or immediately after a meal.
  • Do not spit at the swimming pool area.
  • Do not smoke at the swimming pool area.
  • Do not shout at the swimming pool area.
  • Do not live your bag on the table more than 30 minutes.
  • For your safety, the pool will be closed during heavy rain, thunderstorm and lightning.
  • Guests are reminded no to leave their valuables unattended.
  • The Management shall not be held liable for any loss and/or damage from any cause, around the pool or in the vicinity of the pool area.
  • Guests using the swimming pool, please do so at their own risk.
  • The Management shall not be liable for any accidents and/or injuries sustained by the guest using the pool or in the vicinity of the pool area.
  • Toddlers should wear appropriate swimming diapers when using the pool. Regular diapers are not allowed.
  • Please do not use the pool if you are suffering from any contagious or skin disease. Open wounds or sores should be dressed correct before using the pool. People with communicable disease or person with skin, eye, ear or nasal infections should not enter the pool

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